I have two jobs below the BVG minimum, but earn more than 22,050 francs in total. Can I take out cover with a pension fund?

I have two jobs below the BVG minimum, but earn more than 22,050 francs in total. Can I take out cover with a pension fund?

You can also join a pension fund if you have two employment relationships below the BVG minimum, but earn more than CHF 22,680 in total. The following possibilities are available:

  • BVG auxiliary fund: Both retirement and risk benefits under BVG mandatory coverage can be insured with the state BVG auxiliary fund foundation. In this case, both employers pay their contributions directly to the BVG suppletory institution.
  • Insurance with the employer: Certain employers insure benefits outside the mandatory scheme - and thus also wages below CHF 22,680. If this is the case with employer A, there is at most the possibility that both employers pay their contributions into employer A's pension fund. It is not possible to insure third-party salary components with the Vita Collective Foundation.
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