Vita BVG Collective Foundation at a glance

Vita BVG Collective Foundation at a glance

Key data in brief

The BVG Collective Foundation of Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd was founded on September 30, 1967.

Coinciding with the change of name to Vita BVG Collective Foundation, the Foundation has introduced Vita Relax, a comprehensive insurance solution for mandatory occupational retirement provision that is geared toward companies requiring a higher level of security. Consequently, the solution is particularly suitable for start-ups. The pension funds' assets are invested and fully reinsured by Zurich. With Vita Relax, you enjoy 100% capital protection and can count on a share in the performance thanks to a fixed rate of interest.

Foundation Board

Fridolin Eberle
elected until May 2025
Reto Menzi
Vice President
elected until May 2025
Ulrich Staub
elected until May 2025
Michael Brendle
elected until May 2025

Secretary of the Foundation Board

Livia Bernet

Pension actuary

cmp egliada s.a., Zürich

Audit department

Ernst & Young AG, Zurich

Supervisory body

BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht des Kantons Zürich (BVS)

Executive Management

The Executive Management manages the operative business of Vita BVG Collective Foundation and is responsible for the execution of the Foundation Board’s resolutions and the tasks entrusted to it.

Manuel Gerhard (Managing Director)