Jonas Hubacher, Professional Creative Consultant at Futureworks, also works part-time: When his little girl was born, he reduced his working hours by 30 percent, as did his wife. He mainly focuses on customer experience; for Vita, for example, he supports product communication and designs product brochures or customer presentations. He finds that you need to put certain rules in place to make working part-time successful for all concerned: "You have to be disciplined, communicate clearly, keep your promises and build a basis of trust." It has to be clear to everyone what will happen on which days, he says, to ensure that no one is forced to wait unexpectedly; some proactive planning is also required here. He knows many part-time families outside of work. For Jonas Hubacher, working part-time today seems more normal, even in industries where it was very unusual until a few years ago: "Nowadays there are very different ways of living and different working models, but in the end I just want to do what's right for my family as a whole right now."