What is the purpose of personal retirement provision?
The first two pillars usually only cover about 60 to 75% of the last income; voluntary personal retirement provision can close this gap. In the 3rd pillar a distinction is made between restricted pension provision (pillar 3a) and unrestricted pension provision (pillar 3b).
Pillar 3a can only be taken out at or shortly before retirement age, but it is tax-privileged. Salaried employees can pay a maximum of 7,258 francs per year into pillar 3a, while self-employed persons can pay 36,288 francs. The unrestricted retirement provision (pillar 3b) is significantly more flexible, but has only limited tax advantages. Both pillar 3a and pillar 3b offer the option of taking out additional insurance against death and invalidity.
In general, the following is true: The earlier you start personal retirement provision, the better. Even if deposits tend to be low at a young age, considerable sums can be saved thanks to the long investment horizon. For a consultation that takes all three pillars of retirement provision into account, you can contact Zurich at any time.