If you are about to retire, you should register with the compensation office three to four months before your proposed retirement date so that you can draw your pension. You can obtain the contact address of the responsible compensation office from the AHV/IV information office.
Furthermore, you can also request an individual statement free of charge from your compensation office or AHV/IV information office. From this you can see how high your AHV pension will be and whether any contribution years are missing.
Contribution gaps or missing contribution years in AHV can come about, for instance, due to study, working abroad or temporary unemployment. If you have a contribution gap from the age of 20 up until the time of retirement, this will result in a reduction of your retirement pension. From the time when the contribution gap arises, you have five years in which to make up the missing contributions.
The maximum AHV pension is CHF 2,520 per month. However, you can only draw the maximum AHV pension if you reach an average annual salary of CHF 90,720 during your working life. In addition, men must have paid in for at least 44 contribution years and women for 43 years. The minimum retirement pension from AHV is set at CHF 1,260 a month, but deductions are also made from this minimum AHV pension if someone has contribution gaps.
Married persons together may draw no more than one and a half times the maximum AHV pension. However, this limit does not apply to partners.