An individual solution – for patients and for occupational retirement provision

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An individual solution – for patients and for occupational retirement provision

The startup In Motion Physio in Glattbrugg is an exemplary company that has built an outstanding reputation on the basis of its treatment quality and customer-centricity. Its occupational retirement provision is no less excellent.
Exercise helps many health complaints: with targeted training, pain resulting from accidents or illness can be alleviated, or in the best case, may even vanish entirely. Power, coordination, mobility and endurance are improved, in addition to mental wellbeing.

"We want to make people healthier."

The team at In Motion Physio in Glattbrugg has dedicated itself entirely to this goal: "We want to make people healthier and more mobile. We want to heal and help them," says Christophe Vernez, Managing Director and co-owner of the SME. In 2020 he founded the company together with his partner, Sindija Mudure. To date, the startup has treated around 1,000 patients. Five physiotherapists work at In Motion Physio, which has eight employees in total.

We want to make people healthier and more mobile. We want to heal and help them.

Christophe Vernez, Managing Director and co-owner

"Our hallmark: holistic treatment"

Holistic treatment is the hallmark of In Motion Physio. It isn't just the current health problem, but the entire person that is taken into consideration during therapy. An individual therapy concept is developed on this basis. To this end, various treatment methods are available, from classic equipment training, to muscle flossing, to laser therapy. Methods such as dry needling, the fascial distortion model or biofeedback are also used.
The topic of quality is very close to Sindija Mudure's heart: "Our great success is the satisfaction of our patients." The entire team is continuously expanding their skill set, informing themselves about scientific insights and putting these into practice. The goal is to achieve an optimal treatment quality.

"Benefiting from the very first francs put toward retirement provision"

In Motion maintains equally high standards for its pension fund, which is why they have chosen Vita Invest. "We wanted to find the best possible solution for our employees, including for their retirement," comments Christophe Vernez. Vita Invest offers them a significant degree of flexibility: "We can define our own investment strategy and as such, we virtually have our own private pension fund. In addition, there is no coordination deduction for us to pay; employees start to benefit from the very first franc put toward their occupational retirement provision. This is particularly important for part-time employees."

We wanted to find the best possible solution for our employees, including for their retirement.

Christophe Vernez, Managing Director and co-owner

"I sleep well at night"

A recent trend in occupational retirement provision is the increasing redistribution of investment income from the employed to retired persons for the purposes of financing pensions. This is definitely not the case at Vita Invest, the pension fund solution chosen by In Motion Physio: the investment income directly benefits the company and its employees. With this package, the startup is well positioned as an attractive employer, and is able to acquire talent even in the midst of a skills shortage.
A "corporate health" program supports the employees in leading a healthy lifestyle. Group activities help the entire team to stay fit and allow them to communicate the healing power of exercise in a convincing way. If something should happen to them, all employees of In Motion Physio benefit from generous risk benefits, for example, in the event of occupational disability resulting from severe illness. "I sleep well at night, because I know that my employees are well covered," emphasizes Christophe Vernez. "Vita Invest offers us a sustainable retirement provision solution, which we are really impressed with."

I sleep well at night, because I know that my employees are well covered.

Christophe Vernez, Managing Director and co-owner

"A tree for every satisfied patient"

Ecological sustainability is also important to the startup: whenever they are assigned a new patient by their partner doctors, the SME plants a tree for that person in Madagascar. Their efforts have gradually developed into a small forest. The trees are still small, but they grow and thrive – a perfect symbol of the fresh start patients have after successful physiotherapy. Sindija Mudure explains: "My greatest joy is seeing patients take out fitness subscriptions with us after completing their therapy, continuing to train voluntarily because they have noticed that it does them good."

My greatest joy is seeing patients take out fitness subscriptions with us after completing their therapy, continuing to train voluntarily because they have noticed that it does them good.

Sindija Mudure, Physiotherapist and associate

Who are In Motion Physio

The startup In Motion Physiotherapie GmbH was founded by Christophe Vernez and Sindija Mudure in 2020. The physiotherapy practice has a total of eight employees and has already treated 1,000 patients to date. After completing their therapy, patients have the option of becoming members of the affiliated fitness studio and continuing to use the equipment area. This helps them to stay fit and healthy.

Fairplay in occupational retirement provision

Vita and Zurich are committed to fair and transparent occupational retirement provision. They also offer sustainable pension products and support you in choosing the right BVG solution.

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