Vita Insurance Portal

Vita Insurance Portal

The savings capital in the 2nd pillar belongs to you. Shape and use it actively.

Personal retirement provision situation

Understanding of insured benefits in old age, death and disability.

Useful self-service services

Online simulations, changes and calculations to optimize your retirement provision

Valuable knowledge

Useful knowledge and tips for improving your own retirement provision

Functions of the Vita Insurance Portal

  • Download your pension certificate and retirement provision strategy
  • Calculate purchase potential and report the desired purchase
  • Carry out simulations of benefits at retirement
  • Report changes to civil status
  • Change address and contact data
  • Make contact with Customer Service

Register today and get started

Choose your retirement provision solution:

Where can I find my retirement provision solution?

The sender indicated in your pension certificate provides information about the Vita Collective Foundation and retirement provision solution under which you are insured. Your employer can also provide you with information:

Sender ➞ retirement provision solution

Vita Collective Foundation ➞ Vita Classic
Vita Invest Collective Foundation ➞ Vita Invest
Vita BVG Collective Foundation ➞ Vita Relax
Vita Plus Collective Foundation ➞ Vita Plus
Vita Select Collective Foundation ➞ Vita Select

Certificate of insurance