Fairplay in occupational retirement provision

We are committed to fairplay.

We are committed to fairplay

For us, fairplay is at the heart of how we design and develop our solutions - so that occupational retirement provision remains strong for future generations.

This is how Vita is committed to fairplay in occupational retirement provision


In order to counteract undesired redistribution, Vita is committed to fair, sustainable and flexible occupational retirement provision. It clarifies undesired redistribution and creates transparency.

Different investment strategies

Vita advises its customers on the choice of the appropriate pension planning solutions and investment strategy, taking individual needs and risk capacity into account.

Pension planning models and pension planning solutions

Vita develops pension planning solutions that ensure that as much of the investment return as possible also reaches the insured persons.

Vita pension provision test

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Vita fairplay studies

In collaboration with renowned research institutes, we collect relevant data on the topics of pension awareness, redistribution and asset development. With the knowledge gleaned, we contribute to greater transparency in occupational retirement provision and greater financial responsibility among the Swiss population. As one of Vita's insured persons, you also benefit from viable pension planning solutions that are developed in line with the latest trends - for a strong occupational retirement provision.
of the current income is needed by the Swiss population after retirement to the completely satisfied.
Fairplay study 2023
are worried that inflation will cause their retirement capital in occupational pension plans to lose purchasing power.
Fairplay study 2023
of employed persons do not consider pension fund assets as their own assets.
Fairplay study 2023

Protect your savings

Fair pension planning solutions ensure that you and your employees receive as much of your savings as possible. Talk to the Vita pension team to find out how our solutions meet this requirement.

Our reports on the subject

AHV 21: What entrepreneurs need to know

AHV 21: What entrepreneurs need to know

The implementation of the AHV 21 reform poses significant challenges to businesses, but also presents opportunities. Continue reading to find out more.
Forward-looking pension fund solutions: Three experienced managing directors report

Forward-looking pension fund solutions: Three experienced managing directors report

Opportunities for customizing occupational retirement provision do exist. Three managing directors tell of their experiences and demonstrate different approaches.
It pays to be well informed about occupational retirement provision

It pays to be well informed about occupational retirement provision

The knowledge deficit among the population on the topic of "occupational retirement provision" has consequences: many are unaware of the potential gap between dream and reality when it comes to retirement income.