Registration for employee orientation

Vita Car

Information for staff with Vita Mobil

At an employee orientation meeting, one of our retirement provision experts will will come by in person to inform your employees about the basics of social security. The focus will be on the occupational pension plan that you as an employer have chosen. The employee orientation session can be conducted online, if you prefer.



What topics will the experts cover?

  • Fundamentals of the Swiss 3-pillar system
  • Purchase of pension fund benefits and what all you need to know
  • Conditions for early withdrawal of pension capital, for example, to buy your own home
  • Advantages and disadvantages of personal retirement provision (pillar 3a/3b)
  • Pension in old age and in the event of disability
  • Statement of benefits accruing to dependents in case of decease

During the employee orientation session you and your employees will have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Afterward we will be available to provide personal consultations to your employees on their own individual retirement planning situation.

How long will the session be?

  • An employee orientation session takes about an hour.
  • To start the process: a phone call with one of our pension experts to discuss your existing occupational retirement plan solution (if not already with Vita) and any preferences you may have

What is the fee for holding an employee orientation session?

  • The orientation session is provided as a free-of-charge service.


Just contact us! We would be pleased to set an appointment with you and address any questions you may have.