Welche Steuern fallen bei der Auszahlung meines Vorsorgeguthabens an?

What taxes are due in the event of the payout of my retirement provision balance?

A progressive capital withdrawal tax is due on retirement provision balances that are withdrawn. This is calculated separately to income. If you have already canceled your registration in Switzerland at the time of the withdrawal, you can have the withdrawal paid into a foreign bank account. In this case, you must pay tax at source in Switzerland and a capital withdrawal tax in the country you are moving to. Depending on tax treaties, it may be possible to reclaim the Swiss taxes at source. Whether payment into a Swiss or a foreign account makes more sense should therefore be clarified with the help of experts prior to emigration.

Im­pro­ving retirement provision

Pension advice for private individuals

It pays to plan early

Based on an individual pension analysis, we show you how you can plan your retirement provision at an early stage and fill any pension shortfalls. So that you can look forward to the third stage of your life confidently.