Customer Service – Occupational Retirement Provision: Successful certification according to ISAE 3402 Type II

Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd fulfills the requirements of the international auditing standard ISAE 3402 Type II in connection with customer service activities for the occupational retirement provisions from the Vita and Vita Plus Collective Foundations. The certificate confirms the effectiveness of the service-related internal control system and is further proof of the commitment to more fairplay in occupational retirement provision.

The aim of the international auditing standard ISAE 3402 is to audit the internal control system of a service organization. The Type II certificate includes the assessment of control objectives, as well as the implementation and effectiveness of the controls.

According to the cooperation agreement, Zurich handles various services for Vita Collective Foundations, including all customer service for Vita Classic and Vita Plus.

The independent auditor Mazars confirms in its report that Zurich Customer Service has an effective system of internal control in the areas audited, which meets the requirements of the ISAE 3402 Type II standard. The report relates to 27 controls for contract- and policyholder-level transactions audited for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021.

The first re-certification is scheduled for 2022.